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Imported VS NZ designed Spraybooths
If you’re reading this page you are probably in the market for a new booth and you may have already had quotations from a supplier who is offering an imported Spraybooth.
We realise that we won’t be successful in every sales proposal we offer. There are always valid reasons why customers purchase from a particular supplier.
Price is a common reason, as is quality. Imported Spraybooths are often good quality.
Let’s face the facts, the world is a big place with larger production requirements than New Zealand, but the production to suit the requirements of those markets with their own rules and regulations. Those regulations don’t always meet ours and ours are the ones we must follow.
Spraybooths installed in New Zealand should meet the Australian / New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4114.
Some insurance companies ( buildings or business ) are now asking for proof of compliance with AS/NZS 4114 before they renew your insurance policy so don’t get caught out with a non-compliant Spraybooth or tint / mix room.
Most councils also require compliance to AS/NZS 4114.
The rules for Spraybooths in New Zealand are among the most stringent in the world and New Zealand Standards do not recognise some of the certification schemes used in other countries.
There are lots of different Spraybooths manufactured across the world and some that make it to New Zealand can be offered at half the price. That should be enough to make you think “why so cheap?”
The answer is simple. They don’t meet the Australian / New Zealand Standards unless they are heavily modified. The real cheap ones don’t meet the quality either.
Notwithstanding electrical certification our basic Spraybooth design AS/NZS 4114 standard inhibits the use of most of the common overseas designs;
For example:
Heat exchangers must be pressure tested in accordance with AS/NZS 4114
The heat exchanger or the tip of the flame in a direct fired booth must be at least 2 metres away from the entry to the inlet plenum in New Zealand. This is not the case with some overseas designs so therefore some booths must be modified before it complies.
Lights must be only accessible from the outside of the booth and be fitted behind permanently fixed glass that meets AS/NZS 4114 unless they meet the requirement of AS/NZS 60079.14 for Zone 1 areas.
If you’re still thinking about purchasing an imported Spraybooth we’ve prepared a questionnaire for you. Ask your proposed supplier if he can prove the answers to the following questions. If not we hope to talk to you soon.
All Spraybooths and tint / mix rooms supplied by Seetal are designed, manufactured and installed by competent technicians and can be verified prior to purchase if required.
Before purchasing a new Spraybooth ask your supplier the following questions and ask for written confirmation.
Does the glass meet the requirements of AS/NZS 4114 (Certificate from glass manufacturer)
Are the lights only accessible from the outside of the cabin and meet the requirement of AS/NZS 4114
Has the heat exchanger been tested as per AS/NZS 4114
Is the heat exchanger or burner flame more than 2 metres away from the entry to the inlet plenum as required by AS/NZS 4114
Is the exhaust fan non-sparking in design as per AS/NZS 4114
Is the exhaust fan motor in the exhaust duct and if so does it have EX approval e.g, EX approved certificates from component manufacturer.
Are the gas train components and burner approved by Energy Safety? Approval number:
Does the booth recirculate air in bake cycle and if so does it recirculate over the burner or heat exchanger: No – ok or Yes – approval from...
Does the booth have mechanisms for stopping the spraypainting operation if a door is open as required by AS/NZS 4114
SEETAL Spraybooths, tint / mix rooms and prep booths comply to:
1962 Spray coating Regulations
NZ Building Code
Electrical Safety Regulations
AS/NZS 3000 NZ Wiring Rules (Electrical)
AS/NZS 60079.10 Classification of Hazardous Areas
AS/NZS 60079.14 Electrical Equipment for Explosive Atmospheres
AS/NZS 60079.17 Inspection of Electrical Installation
AS 1482 Protection by Ventilation
NZS 5601.1:2013 Installation of Gas Burning Appliance
Code of practice for Isocyanides
CRA Guidelines for Automotive Refinishing
AS/NZS 4114 Spray painting Booths & Tint/Mix Rooms